
Volunteer Your Time

A gift of your time and talent is a very important contribution. Flanders offers regular opportunities for members and friends to share their skills and interests with the organization and community. Seasonal events at Flanders, such as Maple Sugaring, Flanders Festival, Field & Forest 5K, Flanders Annual Benefit & Auction, and our holiday wreath making workshops depend upon the work of hundreds of dedicated volunteers to make them successful. From a Land Trust perspective, Flanders relies on its volunteers to carry on its mission of preserving and caring for more than 2,400 acres of protected property in the region. Whether you would like to volunteer regularly or just help when you have the time, Flanders needs you!

Consider Joining a Committee

Ready to get more involved with Flanders and share your expertise? Join one or more of our volunteer lead committees to help us meet our goals and objectives and further our mission and vision. By being a committee member you will help grow Flanders and make a deep impact! Here is a list of our committees with a brief description:  (More Information)
» LEARN Committee—Promoting and teaching the understanding and appreciation of art, farming, and nature to adults and families.
» Art Committee—Organize art related programs and conserve founder Natalie Van Vleck’s history and archives.
» Land Management Committee—Managing Flanders 2,400+ acres of open space.
» Land Acquisition Committee—Acquiring important open space lands.
» Development/Fundraising Committee—Help with raising funds for supporting Flanders Mission.
» Historic Van Vleck Committee—Ensure Flanders facilities are properly maintained and/or restored.

Want to Lead a Hike, Program or Class?

Do you have a talent that you would like to share?  Flanders is always looking for new instructors!

For more information about all our volunteer and committee opportunities please contact Program Coordinator, Ana Jordan by email or by calling 203.263.3711 x14.

Fill out your information below or download a volunteer form and mail to:
Flanders Nature Center & Land Trust
Attn: Ana Jordan
5 Church Hill Road
Woodbury, CT 06798