K – 5 Next Generation Science Standards
(NGSS) – Aligned Programs 2024 – 2025

Flanders offers an exceptional collection of K-5 learning experiences to complement the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Each NGSS program is specifically designed to help prepare students to meet key grade-level performance expectations. Each can be incorporated into a unit plan or can stand as a self-contained lesson.

Our 2-hour immersive field-based programs are not only fun, but engaging, hands-on and authentic in a classroom of nature’s design. Noted in the summary below, many are offered in a modified virtual format or can be brought to your school.

NGSS programming is offered through district or school contracts, with the aim of providing whole grade levels the opportunity to share a common learning experience. For further inquiries and contact information, scroll to the bottom of this summary document.


Animals & Where They Live
Students meet a variety of farm animals, observe them in their surroundings and look for patterns in animal needs. They visit a nearby woodland habitat and learn that wild animals have similar needs and live where those needs are met. Students record observational data, identify patterns and recognize relationships between what animals  need and where they live.  NGSS Performance Expectations: K-LS1-1, KESS2-2, K-ESS3-1. (2 hours)  One-hour livestream version available 

Beavers Change Their Environment
Through observation and evidence collection in a Flanders beaver habitat, students gain an understanding of beavers, their survival needs, and how altering their environment allows them to meet those needs. Students identify and describe the features of a beaver that help it survive and relate structure to function.   NGSS Performance Expectations: K-LS1-1, K-ESS2-2, K-ESS3-1, K-2-ETS1-2, 1-LS1-1, 2-LS4-1(2 hours)  Fifty-minute livestream and one-hour in-school versions available
Grade 1:
Animals and Their Parts
Students meet and observe a variety of farm animals. They relate the structure of animal  parts to their function, and discover how humans often mimic animal parts in designing  a solution to a problem. They apply these same concepts to wild animals in an observation and discussion of several taxidermy mounts. Students record observational data, identify patterns and recognize how animal structures help in survival.   NGSS Performance Expectations: 1-LS1-1, K-2-ETS1-2. (2 hours)  One-hour livestream and in-school versions also available 

 Nest Nurseries
Students discover that in different species, nest building is one way that parents help offspring survive. They go on a scavenger hunt for different kinds of nests in Flanders’ forest. Working in collaborative groups, students then design and build a nest, using available materials, and compare the strengths and weaknesses of designs. They record data, identify patterns in parental care, recognize relationships between nest structure and function, and design a solution to a problem.  NGSS Performance Expectations: 1-LS1-2, 1-LS3-1, K-2-ETS1-2, K-2-ETS1-3.  (2 hours)

Beavers Change Their Environment
See description above.  The focus on beaver external parts and structure/function apply to Grade 1 standards. NGSS Grade 1 Performance Expectations: K-2-ETS1-2, 1-LS1-1. (2 hours)  Fifty-minute livestream and one-hour in-school versions also available 

Grade 2:
Habitat Comparisons
Students visit two different habitats, a forest and a pond. In each, they observe and record the diversity of plant and animal life. They communicate their findings, analyze graphic models of their class data, then participate in an analysis discussion with their classmates. Available in fall and spring.  NGSS Performance Expectation: 2-LS4-1, 3-LS4-3. (2 hours)  One-hour livestream also available throughout school year and 90 min. in-school versions available in fall and spring

Pollination: Animals and Plants Depending Upon Each Other
Students learn the conditions needed for plants to grow, and how plants are dependent upon animals, such as bees, to reproduce. They plant sunflower seeds to use for further investigation in the classroom. Depending upon the time of year, they visit a pollinator habitat and collect data on the diversity and abundance of pollinators or visit Flanders beekeeping area and learn about the hive system and about the ongoing care the bees need.  Students organize and discuss their data and observations as a group. NGSS Performance Expectations: 2-LS2-2, 2-LS2-1, 2-LS4-1 ,  3-LS1-1. (2 hours)

Follow the Water! Making Maps from Pond to Stream to Wetland
Maps show where landforms and bodies of water are in an area and how they relate to  each other. Students develop mapping skills and their spatial thinking by producing their own maps, showing the route that water takes on the Van Vleck property and the  spatial relationship of three different aquatic habitats; a pond, a stream, and a wetland.   NGSS Performance Expectations: 2-ESS2-2, 2-ESS2-3 (2 hours)

 Beavers Change Their Environment
See description above.  The focus on the beaver’s habitat and shape/function applies to
Grade 2 standards.  NGSS Grade Performance Expectations: K-2-ETS1-2, 2-LS4-1(2 hours)   Fifty-minute livestream and one-hour in-school versions available

Animals and Their Parts
See description above.  The Grade 2 added focus is on shape/function and on wild habitats applies to Grade 2 standards.  NGSS Performance Expectations: K-2-ETS1-, 2-LS4-1. (2 hours)  One-hour livestream and in-school versions available 


Grade 3:
A Tree to Be, Life Cycles and Inheritance
Students discover that like humans and other animals, trees have life cycles and inherit traits. They learn of the importance of each stage of a tree’s life to the health of a forest ecosystem. They then visit a forest and observe and measure several trees to determine stages of growth. They analyze the class data and make inferences about the health of the forest.  NGSS Performance Expectations:3-LS1-1, 3-LS3-1. (2 hours)  Ninety-minute in-School version available

Habitats and Life Cycles – Live Virtual Format
A live visit to the Flanders North Barn to see new or recently born farm animals provides introduction to the topic of life cycles.  It is followed by interactive, pre-recorded visits to forest and pond habitats, where students learn that there are similarities and differences in the life cycles of various organisms.  Students are challenged to determine the type of growth in different animals and how growth stages relate to habitat. Older students consider the environmental stimuli that influence growth stages.   NGSS Performance Expectations:  3-LS1-1, 3-LS3-2, 3-LS4-3, 4-LS1-2 (1 hour)

Habitat Comparisons
See description above.  A focus on adaptations to habitats applies to Grade 3 standards. NGSS Performance Expectation: 2-LS4-1, 3-LS4-3. (2 hours)  One-hour livestream also available throughout the school year and 90 min. in-school versions available in fall and spring

Pollination: Animals and Plants Depending Upon Each Other
See description above.  Pollination’s role in life cycles applies to Grade 3 standards.  Grade 3 NGSS Performance Expectations: 3-LS1-1  (2 hours)

Grade 4:
Watch That Slope! Stream Bank Erosion
Students study soil erosion, factors that affect it, and possible effects of erosion on water quality of a stream and the organisms that live in it. An engaging role-play is followed by a brief explanation of erosion, then a fair test demonstration using stream bank models. At a nearby stream, students observe and describe the features of different stream bank sites, measure % slope of each, and draw conclusions about erosion vulnerability.  NGSS Performance Expectations: 4-ESS2-1, 3-5-ETS1-3. (2 hours)  90 min. in-school and one-hour livestream versions also available 

Beaver Behavior and Survival 
The Flanders educator engages students in an in-depth look at the beaver body structure and how different parts work together to support different beaver behaviors.  Students are then challenged to observe and analyze these behaviors in camera trap footage over a period of two days.  Students then hike to and explore the Flanders semi-aquatic beaver habitat.  NGSS Performance Expectations:  4-LS1-1, 4-LS1-2 (2 hours)  One hour livestream and in-school versions also available

Habitats and Life Cycles – Live Virtual Format
See description above. Grade 4 students consider the environmental stimuli that influence growth stages. NGSS Performance Expectations:  3-LS1-1, 3-LS3-2, 3-LS4-3, 4-LS1-2 (55 minutes)

Grade 5:
Energy Transfer in a Pond Ecosystem
Students study the food web structure in a Flanders pond.  Using pond nets, they collect several random samples of pond organisms, then separate out each type, identify them and count them.  They document their findings, then collect similar data on the pond plant species.  Back in a group setting, students use provided references to construct possible food web structures that model the flow of energy through the ecosystem.  NGSS Performance Expectations:  5-PS3-1, 5-LS2-1 (2 hours)

Wetlands, A System of Interconnected Spheres
Wetland ecosystems illustrate the interconnectedness of earth’s hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere and atmosphere. Students learn of the importance of wetlands. They visit Flanders wetlands, where they collect water samples and document plant and animal life. They conduct a series of water analysis tests and make conclusions about the health of the wetlands.  Teachers are given materials to take back to the classroom where students consider the relationships among wetland plants and animals by constructing a wetland food web.  The data students collect become part of an ongoing monitoring project at Flanders.  Available in fall and spring.   NGSS Performance Expectations: 5-ESS2-1, 5-LS2-1 (2 hours)

Watch That Slope! Stream Bank Erosion
See description above.  The lesson focus on conducting fair tests applies to Grade 5 standards, while providing a review of factors affecting erosion.  NGSS Performance Expectations: 4-ESS2-1, 3-5-ETS1-3. (2 hours)  90 min. in-school and one-hour livestream versions also available

  • Class size for NGSS field programs is approximately 25 students. Two programs can be run at the same time at 9:30 – 11:30 AM or 12:00 – 2:00 PM program blocks.    The cost for each 2-hour program is $15.00 per student with a $325.00 minimum  per program.
  • NGSS at your school is $175 for the first hour and $125 for each consecutive hour for up to 25 students.  
  • NGSS virtual live-stream programming is $125 for each program (50min-1hr) per class of up to 25 students.

For questions regarding curriculum: please contact Eileen Reed, NGSS Program Coordinator at 203-233-9745 or

To register for a program: call Amber McDonald, Educator/Administrator, at 203- 263-3711, Ext. 12